Monday, July 19, 2010

1st Week

Hew Hui Yi PEH080019

A New Discovery on "Using and Developing Resources For the ESL Classroom

This was my first week in UM and it was also my first day entering the class for PBEY 3102, Using and Developing Resources for the ESL Classroom. My mind was full with excitement, curiosity and wonders regarding what I am going to learn in the class. Resources…hmhmhm…Although it is new to my “dictionary”, I am 100% ready into the world of resources. I understand that there will always a challenge for a beginner but I have assured myself to accept this challenge and to be excel in this subject.

Before the class, everyone was waiting impatiently in front of the computer lab. I bet the 75 of us were wondering for the same things – how does our lecturer look like? Is she strict? What are we going to learn in the class?

Just then, her entries in front of the lift had caught our attention and everyone was extremely quiet. Haha….As usual, everyone fought to squeeze trough the small gap between the doors to get a place for themselves. (So do I) After we had settled down, here comes the ice-breaking session. She introduced herself as Pn. Foziah and she is currently pursuing her PhD. As she further explained on what she is expecting for us, I knew that she is a nice, up-to-date and responsible person. She knows a lot in the world of technology. I adore her………

Besides photo editing, she told us that we are going to learn about video editing and also audio editing which I had never come across before. I hope I can hasten my footstep in order to upgrade my skill in “The World of Resources.”

During the 1st class, we were assigned

to create our own blog

to get ourselves an 8gb pendrive

to install adobe Photoshop CS3 in our laptop


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